Mikes home. Andover's longest serving MMA and BJJ club, who has entertained the likes of Liam McGeary, Alexei 'Boom' Roberts and now Mike 'Gip' Cutting
Trevor Birmingham is Kyouken's BJJ head coach. Granted his blackbelt under Alex De Souza, Trevor has won nearly every major BJJ title you can get, from British championships, through to PanAms, Trevor is your man.
Spearheaded by Matt Whyton, a BJJ Blackbelt and one of Kyoukens MMA coaches, Matt is a veteran in the fight game, keep your eyes and ears out for some up and coming fighters from this amazing club
Alex Reid is a close friend of Mike Cutting. Alex is a mixed martial artist, fighting under Bellator, BAMMA and Cage Rage. With his years of experience and knowledge on nutrition/MMA, self driven attitude and coaching skills it is a pleasure to have him as part of the team.